New: ZoneAlarm Safe Search – English version only.New: Web Secure Free Chrome extension: blocks phishing attacks and safely download documents in Chrome – English version only.New: ZoneAlarm Safe Search – Adding to French, German, Italian and Spanish versions.New: Web Secure Free Chrome extension, blocks phishing attacks and safely download documents in Chrome – Adding to French, German, Italian and Spanish versions.Fixed: For CVE-2020-6013 - Insecure directory privileges allow for a local escalation of privilege on systems not patched with Microsoft CVE-2020-00896.New: Updated version for Anti-Virus engine.Fixed: Bug fixes to improve stability and upgrades from previous versions.Improved: Enhanced code signing procedures.Fix installation failure due to missing root certificate.

Resolves install/uninstall issues on Windows 11.This version is not supported for Windows 7.Automatic upgrades to the latest available version.Update security engine version to E86.25.A single place to manage your quarantine and security events.Improved stability and modifications to the user interface.